Friday, 12 December 2014


Galway Olympic Handball Association 

Organising competitions for Primary Schools in Galway

Our calendar will be similar to other years with the U11 competitions in Nov/Dec, U12 in Feb and Senior before Easter.

Champions 2018/19

Galway U11 Champions 
Boys: Gardenfield (Oranmore Runners Up)
Girls: Gardenfield (Mionloch Runners up )

Galway U12 Mixed Champions
Moycullen (Tuairíní Runners Up)

Senior Champions Div 1
Boys: Oranmore ( Scoil Éinde Runners Up)
Girls: Gardenfield (Gaelscoil MhicAmhlaigh Runners up )

Senior Champions Div 2
Boys: Tuairíní (Clarinbridge Runners up)
Girls: Clarinbridge (Annagh Runners up)

Boys Div 2 Shield: Renmore (Belclare runner-up)
Girls Div 2 Shield: Belclare (Renmore runner-up)

Connemara U11 Champions

Connemara U12 Champions

Connemara Senior Section Champions

Champions 2017/18

Galway U11 Champions
Boys: Moycullen (Clarinbridge Runners Up)
Girls: Moycullen (Craughwell Runners up )

Connemara U11 Champions
Boys:Tully/Eagles Nest (Clifden Runners Up)
Girls: Tully/Eagles Nest (Clifden Runners Up)

Connemara U12 Champions
Clifden A (Clifden B Runners Up)

Galway U12 Mixed Champions
Killeeneen (Clarinbridge Runners Up)

Senior Champions Div 1
Boys: Moycullen (Gaelscoil MhicAmhlaigh Runners up)
Girls: Gaelscoil MhicAmhlaigh (Corrandulla Runners up )

Senior Champions Div 2
Boys:Tuairíní  (Claddagh Runners up)
Girls: Mionloch (Claddagh Runners up )

Boys Div 2 Shield: Ballymana (Knocknacarra runner-up)
Girls Div 2 Shield: Tirellan (Ballymana runner-up)

Connemara Senior Section Champions
Boys: Clifden (Kingstown Runners-up)
Girls: Tully/Eagles Nest (Clifden Runners Up)
Champions 2016/17

Galway U11 Champions
Boys:  Oranmore (St Pat's, Galway Runners Up)
Girls:  Annagh Hill (Tirellan Runners up )

Connemara U11  Champions
Boys: Clifden (Tully/Eagles Nest Runners Up)
Girls: Clifden (Tully/Eagles Nest Runners up)

Connemara U12 Champions
Kingstown (Tully/Eagles Nest Runners Up)

Galway U12 Mixed Champions
Doorus (Gardenfield Runners Up)

Senior Champions
Boys: St Pat's Galway (Corrandulla runner-up)
Girls: Corrandulla (Gardenfield runners-up)

Boys Div 2:  Clarinbridge (Tulach Uí Chadhain runner-up)
Girls Div 2:  Tuairíní (Cregmore runner-up)

Boys Div 2 Shield:  Ballymana (Claddagh runner-up)
Girls Div 2 Shield:  Ballymana (Claddagh runner-up)

Connemara Senior Section Champions
Boys: Clifden (Kingstown Runners-up)
Girls: Clifden  (Tully/Eagles Nest Runners Up)

Champions 2015/16

Galway U11 Champions
Boys:  St Pat's, Galway (Gardenfield Runners Up)
Girls:  Corrandulla (Craughwell Runners up )

Connemara U11  Champions
Boys: Clifden (Eagles Nest Runners Up)
Girls: Kingstown (Tully Runners up)

Connemara U12 Champions
Clifden A (Tully B Runners Up)

Galway U12 Mixed Champions
Doorus (Gaelscoil Mhic Amhlaigh Runners Up)

Senior Champions
Boys Div1:  St Pats, Galway ( Runner-up)
Girls Div 1:  Craughwell (Runner-up Gaelscoil MhicAmhlaigh)

Boys Div 2:  Scoil Éinde, Salthill ( Annaghdown Runner-up)
Girls Div 2:  Scoil Íde, Salthill ( Belclare Runner-up)

Boys Div 2 Shield:  Claddagh (Runner-up Ballymana)
Girls Div 2 Shield:  Ballymana (Runner-up Tullykyne)

Connemara Senior Section Champions
Boys: Clifden A (Clifden B Runners-up)
Girls: Kingstown  (Clifden A Runners-up)

Champions 2014/15

Galway U11 Champions 2014/15
Boys: St Pats, Galway (Oranmore Runners Up)
Girls: Craughwell (Corrandulla Runners up)

Connemara U11  Champions
Boys: Renvyle (Ballyconneely/Cleggan Runners Up)
Girls: Renvyle (Clifden Runners up)

Connemara U12 Champions
Renvyle (Kingstown Runners Up)

Galway U12 Mixed Champions 2014/15
Mionloch (Kilkerrin Runners Up)

Senior Champions 2014/15
Boys Div1: St Pat's, Galway (Moycullen Runner-up)
Girls Div 1: Moycullen (GaelScoil MhicAmhlaigh Runner-up)

Boys Div 2: Baile Nua (Mionloch Runner-up)
Girls Div 2: Tirellan (Annagh Runner-up)

Boys Div 2 Shield: Scoil Éinde (Renmore Runner-up)
Girls Div 2 Shield: Collinamuck (Scoil Íde Runner-up)

Connemara Section Champions
Boys: Clifden (Renvyle Runners-up)
Girls: Renvyle (Clifden Runners-up)

Champions 2013/14

U11 Champions 2013/14
Boys St Pats, Tuam (Oranmore Runners Up)
Girls Kilkerrin (Craughwell Runners up)

U12 Mixed Champions 2013/14
Craughwell NS (Runners-up The Claddagh)

Senior Champions 2013/14
Boys Div 1 Moycullen NS (St Pat's, Galway, runners-up)
Girls Div 1 Moycullen NS (Craughwell NS runners-up)

Connemara Section Champions

Boys Div 2
Girls Div 2 Ballinnderreen NS (Annagh Girls, runners-up)

Boys Div 2 Shield Scoil Éinde, Salthill (Ballymana NS, runners-up)
Girls Div 2 Shield Ballymana NS (Tullykyne NS, runners-up)

Champions 2012/13

U11 Champions 2012/13
Boys St Pats, Galway
Girls Craughwell

U12 Mixed Champions 2012/13
Baile Nua

Senior Champions 2012/13
Boys Div 1 St Pat's Galway
Girls Div 1 Gardenfield

Connemara Section Champions
Boys Clifden
Girls Clifden

Boys Div 2 Tuairíní
Girls Div 2 Cregmore

Boys Div 2 Shield
Girls Div 2 Shield